Fresh Step Litter Box Attractant Powder to Aid in Training, 9 Ounces

    • Fresh Step cat litter attractant makes kitty potty training easy. Turn any litter into cat attract litter with the cat attract powder, help your kitty know where to go.
    • Cat attract litter additive is pet-friendly and versatile. It can be used with any litter and for a cat of any age. It works as both a kitten attractant powder and as an attractant for older cats.
    • The kitten attract litter additive is easy to use, just sprinkle a generous amount of litter attractant onto litter in box and mix together. Add litter box attractant whenever adding new litter. Clean litter box daily.
    • Convenient container helps you sprinkle over litter as needed. Sprinkle a generous amount of attractant onto litter in box and mix together. Add attractant whenever adding new litter. Clean litter box daily.
    • This all natural, herbal based formula is proudly made in the USA without perfumes, deodorants, or chemicals.
    Buy Now

    Fresh Step kitty litter attractant makes kitty litter training a breeze! The pet friendly formula contains an herbal blend that will help your kitty know where to go when It's time to do his or her business. Litter box attractant is helpful for new kittens or to bring a problem cat back to using the litter box. It is very easy to use as you can just add it to any kitty litter, mix it up and then your kitty will begin using the litter! It's that easy! Get your Fresh Step Litter Box attractant and avoid any future unwanted messes in your house!

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